I plan on having a very productive week with the pre-k and kindergarten group.  On Monday I will give the brownies so that should make them behave.  Monday is usually the busiest day as far as homework, so most of the time will be devoted to doing homework.  This was  proven true when we spent the whole time helping the kids with their homework.  Even though this was true, we will still have a lot of time this week to begin our project.

We plan on having the kids make a sort of mural or collage of pictures representing the change that they want to take place.  We have already had the kids begin to draw picures, so this should not be too hard. Some kids even had some good ideas about what they wanted change so far.  WE just had to make sure we get the kids to think of multiple topics so the collage will be filled with ideas for change.  After homework is completed on Tuesday, we will probably have the kids do more sketches and talk about different ideas taht they want to change.  On Wednesday we will probably actually begin to draw on teh mirror and have the kids transport their idea into art on paper.  We also want the collage to include not only pictures drawn by the kids, but picures out of magazines as well.  Our groups has to find a way to get access to some old magazines.  We probably wont’ finish the project this week because the homework takes so long but I am sure we will finish by next week.

Week #2

Well earlier during last week the other girls in my group started working with the children on their pictures and what they will be saying.  Now being that we lacked most of the supplies needed for the project to actually begin, we will have to start all over.  Now of course we will focus on getting the homework done, but afterwards we will spend the remaining of the time drawing and coloring.  Overall we will try to get all of the children to transfer their pictures to the poster board.  Once this is complete, they will color and decorate the poster board.  Everything will be created according to what they wrote on their dollars.  I found that most of the children got bored with drawing for a long period of time.  I think the best possible way to keep them focused and attentive is to take breaks and do something else for the project and then come back to the actual collage and drawings.  Being that every child is required to explain why the decided to draw whatever it is, we will focus on that during the last week.  That way we will have ample time to complete everything in a calm and complete manner.

Kristina Jolivette

Blog #7